Greta je prostor smješten u centru grada Zagreba, u neposrednoj blizini Britanskog trga, gdje se u dinamičnom tempu svaki tjedan održava novi prezentacijsko-izložbeni program.

Prostor karakterizira atraktivna lokacija, veliki izlozi koji pljene pogled direktno s glavne glavne gradske ulici te unutrašnjost koja je potpuno podređena organizaciji najrazličitijih događaja. Program Grete pokrenut je kao direktna reakcija na zatečenu prostornu kavalitetu ali i kao odgovor na evidentnu potrebu za pokretanjem otvorene nezavisne platforme za širi spektar kreativnih prezentacija.

U Greti se svaki ponedjeljak otvara nova izložba nakon čega sljede radionice, neformalna kreativna druženja te krajem tjedna projekcije, promocije i prezentacije. Osnovu programa čini prezentacija suvremenog umjetničkog stvaralaštva no prostor nudi i značajan kapacitet za prezentaciu i promociju šireg spektra različitih kreativnih aktivnosti. U periodu od prvih 6 mjeseci u Greti je održano preko 60 različitih događaja, od izložbi, prezentacija i projekcija do radionica, predavanja i promocija, …isti tempo nastavlja se i u nadolazećim sezonama.

Program koji je pokrenut unutar ovog prostora postqavjen je kao nezaobilazna točka na kulturnoj sceni grada, a zbog svog intenziteta, dinamičnosti i kvalitete, predstavlja jedinstveni koncept i na području šire regije. Greta je prostor u kojem se svaki novi događaj dogovara u neposrednom okruženju te u vrlo kratkom roku, postavlja i prezentira javnosti.



Greta – independent art space located in the center of Zagreb, based on dynamic contemporary art program. It represents a new exhibition concept based on creative presentation platform opened for different kinds of art forms. The program runs through a wide range of exhibitions, workshops and presentations. Every Monday night here is a new exhibition opening, followed by workshop, screenings, performances and promotional presentations that happen through the rest of the week. The space is characterized by an attractive location, large windows that look directly on the main street and a multi functional interior suitable for various events.



Time Out Croatia

Zagreb has frequently lacked the kind of small-scale galleries that fill the creative gap between public art institutions and private collectors. Which is why independent gallery Greta has proved such an instant hit.

Founded in late 2011 by Zebra, a non-profit organization formed by a loose group of Zagreb creatives, the gallery takes its name from the former clothes shop in which it is situated: lacking money to change the façade of the building, the team decided to leave the Greta logo where it was.

Greta’s exhibition schedule features a mixture of established names and young unknowns. “Greta is different to the other arts spaces in town in the sense that there is no application procedure or bureaucratic selection process” explains Zebra co-founder David Lušičić. “What’s more, the tempo here is quicker than elsewhere: we have a new opening every Monday, which means four, week-long shows every month. It’s a practice that has proven to be unusually popular with artists, and our exhibition schedule is booked solid for about a year in advance.”

The gallery’s location, at the apex of a bohemian Bermuda Triangle formed by the Fine Arts Academy, the Architecture Faculty and the Sedmica café, ensures a knowledgeable and enthusiastic public. Indeed Greta regularly receives more visitors than many of the more established galleries, with opening-night celebrants spilling out onto the pavement outside before drifting off towards one of the nearby bars.