Dragi prijatelji,
pozivamo vas na otvorenje izložbe Kate Mijatović pod nazivom “Crna traka iz Arhiva”, u ponedjeljak 2.2.2015. u 20 sati u Greti, Ilica 92, Zagreb.
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Ambijentana instalacija Crna traka iz Arhiva, sastoji se od ispisa snova izvađenih iz Arhiva snova. Ispisi snova nižu se u crnu traku koja se proteže središnjim dijelom unutarnjeg i vanjskog zida galerije. Instalaciju prati audio zapis s performansa Resume, izvedenog u Labinu (I.A.B., 2014.).
On line domena Arhiv snova /www.arhivsnova.hr/ služi za prikupljanje i arhiviranje snova, realizirana je kao središnji rad izložbenog projekta Između neba i zemlje /55.Venecijanski bijenale, 2013.,hrvatski paviljon/. Do sada je u Arhiv snova pristiglo više od 2000 snova na različitim jezicima. Performativnu intervenciju Potvrđivanje na otvorenju izložbe izvode: Marijan Crtalić, Sven Klobučar, Ivan Tudek
…’Dvije riječi na s – snovi i snijeg, i još jedna koju ne želim izgovoriti.Snijeg i snovi, preobražaj i hlapljenje. Snovi, crni snijeg ljudske nesvjesnosti koji noću prekriva gradove. Zatvorila sam oči i gle, to što me promatra iz crnine govori mi: ne brini, upravo sada nalazimo se na zemaljskoj kugli koja se vrti u beskrajnom svemiru, oko nas su milijarde zvijezda, ispod nas je užarena lava, izvan nas, sve je još neimenovano, sve je neljudsko.
Tu je i san koji je često sanjao Rodrigo Rojas:
I often dream that I am going in a room. I open a door that open on a differente place.
I explore that new place and open a new door. I get deeper and deeper.
Ili, tko bi želio sanjati san koji je usnio Ram Ozeri, 04.07.2013.?:
I was with my wife in New York. A big explosion just happend. Everyone were very nervous.
A man I do not know was crying in the corner. But I was relaxed – I am used to it.
Ili Simonin san?:
When I woke up I was on the moon, completely alone. At the firs, I was surprised but happy at the same time. Later I started to ask myself what could I do alone on the moon. After some hours I realized that all the moon surface was eatable so I could not die and I could not escape from there. I must stay there forever alone.
Odlučujem se za Marinin san:
Sanjala sam riječ koja sve objašnjava. Znala sam da je jako važna i da je trebam zapamtiti. Počela sam neprestance ponavljati tu riječ dok sam prolazila kroz faze buđenja. Međutim, malo po malo, riječ je počinjala gubiti značenje, zatim je postajala teško izgovorljiva, da bi pri samom buđenju ostao potpuno neizgovorljiv, neartikulirani hropac.Otvorila sam oči i gle, svijet se ponovno uprizorio, sve je stvarno i čvrsto. Na tisuće sićušnih stanica koje me čine ovog jutra, obavljaju užurbano svoje božansko poslanje. Skelet se podiže, mišići se pokreću, krv juri žilama, jetra, slezena, srce, pluća, želudac, sve je u neprestanom obnavljanju u neprestanom iscjeljivanju (…a u grimiznim se dupljama tiho kolutaju oči *). Treća riječ nalazi se u jednom utopijskom projektu u kojem muškarac i žena zagrljeni prespavaju čitav život. Povremeno se bude, razgovaraju, smiješe se jedno drugom, zatim nastave spavati. Smrt bi tako bila još samo jedan san više. ‘ /K.M./
*Georg Trakl, Helian, iz zbirke San zla/1914.
Ambience installation Black Tape from the Archive is made up of the records of dreams taken out of Dream Archive. The printout of the records of dreams are strung in a black tape that extends along the central section of the inner and outer wall of the gallery. The installation is accompanied by an audio recording from the performance Resume presented in Labin (I.A.B., 2014). Dream Archive /www.arhivsnova.hr/ is an online domain intended for collecting and archiving dreams, presented as the central piece of the exhibition project Between Heaven and Earth/55th Biennale di Venezia, 2013, Croatian Pavillion/. So far, more than 2000 dreams in different languages have ended up in Dream Archive.
‘…Two words – dreams and snow, and another one I do not whant to pronounce.Snow, transformation and evaporation. Dreams, the black snow of human unconsciousness that covers the cities at night with its silent shroud. I close my eyes and behold, the thing that is watching me from the blackness tells me: do not worry, just now we are on a globe, spinning in endless
universe, a billion stars are around us, flaming lava is underneath us, everything beyond ourselves
remains unnamed, everything is inhuman.And here is a dream often dreamt by Rodrigo Rojas:I often dream that I am going in a room. I open a door that open on a differente place. I explore that new place and open a new door. I get deeper and deeper. Or, would anyone like to dream the dream dreamt by Ram Ozeri on July 4, 2013?:
I was with my wife in New York. A big explosion just happend. Everyone were very nervous. A man I do not know was crying in the corner. But I was relaxed – I am used to it.
Or Simona’s dream?:
When I woke up I was on the moon, completely alone. In the first time I was surprised but happy at the same time. Later I started to ask myself what could I do alone on the moon. After some hours I realized that all the moon surface was eatable so I could not die and I could not escape from there. I must stay there forever alone.
I opt for Marina’s dream:
I dremt of a word that explains everything. I knew that it was very important and I ought to memories it. I started to repeat it continuously while I gradually awoke. Little by little, however, the word started to lose its meaning, then it became harder to pronounce, until a completely unpronounceable, inarticulate groan ensued when I woke up. I open my eyes and behold, the world is here again, everything is real and solid. Thousands of tiny cells that make me this morning busily carry out their divine mission. The skeleton rises, the muscles move, blood runs through veins, liver, spleen, heart, lungs, stomach, everything is continuously renewed and healed, (…and the eyes quietly roll in purple cavities…*). The third word is from an utopian project in which a man and a woman spend a lifetime sleeping in each other’s arms. They occasionally wake up, talk, smile to each other, then resume sleeping. Death
would thus merely be just another dream more.’ /K.M./
*Georg Trakl, Helian, from the collection Dream of Evil/1914