13.11.2014. – ”Metenje” Thomas C Volda13.11.2014. – ”Weeping” Thomas C Volda


”Metenje” Thomas C Volda

Desetosatni, stop-animacijski performans koji prikazuje metafizičku dinamiku između umjetnika i njegove lutke- sebe.

Performans će početi u 10:30h i završiti u 20:30h u četvrtak, 13. studenog 2014 u galeriji Greta. Publika je dobrodošla posjetiti galeriju tijekom trajanja performansa.

”Weeping” Thomas C Volda

A ten hour stop-animation performance which propergates a metaphysical dynamic between the artist and his puppet self.

The performance will start at 10:30am and will conclude at 20:30 on Thursday 13th November 2014 in Gallery Greta. Audience are welcome to visit the gallery through-out the day