11.5.2013. – Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth11.5.2013. – Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth

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Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth
Valery Vermeulen & Office Tamuraj
On the 11th of may 2013 Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth will be shown at Greta Gallery in Zagreb. Performances start at 20u30.
Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth is the final performance in a series realized by the collective Office Tamuraj and the curator Astrid David. The realisation of this project was supported by funds of the Flemish Audivisual Fund (www.vaf.be) and Flanders Image (www.flandersimage.com). In Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth, a renewing interactive multimedia system, the EMO-Synth, plays a central role. This soft and hardware system automatically generates music and manipulates images to bring the user in certain predefined emotional states. Emotional reactions are hereby measured and processed by the means of biosensors that register various psychofysiological parameters such as heart rate (ECG) and stress level (GSR, galvanic skin response). Due to its outspoken multidisciplinary character, the development of the EMO-Synth comprises several techniques involving artificial intelligence (genetic programming, machine learning, reinforcement learning,…), affective computing, advanced statistical modeling and algorithmic sound and music composition and image manipulation techniques. For the realisation of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth, the EMO-Synth is integrated into a cinematographic setting. During the performances at Greta Gallery, the EMO-Synth will automatically generate ideal personalized soundtracks with maximal emotional impact that accompany re-edited versions of dedicated experimental video material. For the automatic music generation, synthesized as well as live music sounds are used. Guest musicians will be directed by the system by the means of virtual scores. The performances of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth rely on the most recent prototype – Prototype 05.2 – of the EMO-Synth. This prototype was realized during a residency and exhibition called Tangible Feelings at the Center for Digital Cultures and Technologies (iMAL, www.imal.org) in september 2011. On the 11th fo may, different showcases of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth will be presented. The showcases highlight different styles of music. The visuals remixed by the EMO- Synth will originate from two different sources: the experimental movie Line-dot-plane by visual artist Remco Roes and the black and white classic The Phantom of the Opera (1927) by Julian Rupert. EMO-Synth performances and showcases of “Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth” could be seen at various locations and venues including Generative Art International Conference 2012 (IMT, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, It), M HKA (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, Be), Atomium (Brussel, Be), BOZAR (Brussels, Be), Logos Foundation (Ghent, Be), iMAL (Center for Digital Cultures & Technologies, Brussels, Be), Art Cinema OFFoff (Ghent, Be), Happy New Ears Festival (Courtray, Be), Pecha Kucha (Brussels, Be), DORKBOT Sessions (Ghent, Be), art fare Lineart (Ghent, Be), Galerie Tatjana Pieters (Ghent, Be), Croxhapox (Ghent, Be), L.A.C. (Lieu d’Art Contemporain, Narbonne, Fr), Gonzo Circus magazine on belgian national television (KETNET) and radio (Studio Brussels and KLARA).
More information on the EMO-Synth project can be found at:
• http://www.emo-synth.com/
Recent publications on the EMO-Synth project:
• Vermeulen, V. (2012) The EMO-Synth, an emotion driven music generator. In: eContact 14.2! Biotechnological Performance Practice. Available from: http://cec.sonus.ca/econtact/14_2/vermeulen_emosynth.html • Vermeulen, V. (2012) The EMO-Synth, an intelligent music and image generator directed by human emtion. In: Proceedings of the 15th Generative Art Conference GA2012. Available from: http://www.generativeart.com/GA2012/valery.pdf

Dr. Valery Vermeulen is electronic musician, music producer, mathematician, new media artist, author and guest lecturer at various Belgian art institutes. In 2001 he obtained a Phd in pure mathematics at the University of Ghent (Belgium) conducting ground breaking research in the field of algebraic group theory. Between 2001 and 2005 Vermeulen worked at the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM, Ghent University) on a research project focusing on the link between music and emotional response. Meanwhile he started writing and recording music in my his production studio. Since 2004 Vermeulen has been working on various interactive multimedia projects where the man machine interaction plays a central role. His installations and performances have been widely shown in Belgium as well as abroad. His expertise covers a broad range of disciplines including creative evolutionary systems, generative art, algorithmic sound and image generation, affective computing, artificial intelligence, sound design and music production. Besides his involvement in the EMO-Synth project Vermeulen currently also works as a statistical expert and consultant and is finishing his studies as a music producer at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent. emo_synth
Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth
Valery Vermeulen & Office Tamuraj
On the 11th of may 2013 Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth will be shown at Greta Gallery in Zagreb. Performances start at 20u30.
Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth is the final performance in a series realized by the collective Office Tamuraj and the curator Astrid David. The realisation of this project was supported by funds of the Flemish Audivisual Fund (www.vaf.be) and Flanders Image (www.flandersimage.com). In Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth, a renewing interactive multimedia system, the EMO-Synth, plays a central role. This soft and hardware system automatically generates music and manipulates images to bring the user in certain predefined emotional states. Emotional reactions are hereby measured and processed by the means of biosensors that register various psychofysiological parameters such as heart rate (ECG) and stress level (GSR, galvanic skin response). Due to its outspoken multidisciplinary character, the development of the EMO-Synth comprises several techniques involving artificial intelligence (genetic programming, machine learning, reinforcement learning,…), affective computing, advanced statistical modeling and algorithmic sound and music composition and image manipulation techniques. For the realisation of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth, the EMO-Synth is integrated into a cinematographic setting. During the performances at Greta Gallery, the EMO-Synth will automatically generate ideal personalized soundtracks with maximal emotional impact that accompany re-edited versions of dedicated experimental video material. For the automatic music generation, synthesized as well as live music sounds are used. Guest musicians will be directed by the system by the means of virtual scores. The performances of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth rely on the most recent prototype – Prototype 05.2 – of the EMO-Synth. This prototype was realized during a residency and exhibition called Tangible Feelings at the Center for Digital Cultures and Technologies (iMAL, www.imal.org) in september 2011. On the 11th fo may, different showcases of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth will be presented. The showcases highlight different styles of music. The visuals remixed by the EMO- Synth will originate from two different sources: the experimental movie Line-dot-plane by visual artist Remco Roes and the black and white classic The Phantom of the Opera (1927) by Julian Rupert. EMO-Synth performances and showcases of “Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth” could be seen at various locations and venues including Generative Art International Conference 2012 (IMT, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, It), M HKA (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, Be), Atomium (Brussel, Be), BOZAR (Brussels, Be), Logos Foundation (Ghent, Be), iMAL (Center for Digital Cultures & Technologies, Brussels, Be), Art Cinema OFFoff (Ghent, Be), Happy New Ears Festival (Courtray, Be), Pecha Kucha (Brussels, Be), DORKBOT Sessions (Ghent, Be), art fare Lineart (Ghent, Be), Galerie Tatjana Pieters (Ghent, Be), Croxhapox (Ghent, Be), L.A.C. (Lieu d’Art Contemporain, Narbonne, Fr), Gonzo Circus magazine on belgian national television (KETNET) and radio (Studio Brussels and KLARA).
More information on the EMO-Synth project can be found at:
• http://www.emo-synth.com/
Recent publications on the EMO-Synth project:
• Vermeulen, V. (2012) The EMO-Synth, an emotion driven music generator. In: eContact 14.2! Biotechnological Performance Practice. Available from: http://cec.sonus.ca/econtact/14_2/vermeulen_emosynth.html • Vermeulen, V. (2012) The EMO-Synth, an intelligent music and image generator directed by human emtion. In: Proceedings of the 15th Generative Art Conference GA2012. Available from: http://www.generativeart.com/GA2012/valery.pdf

Dr. Valery Vermeulen is electronic musician, music producer, mathematician, new media artist, author and guest lecturer at various Belgian art institutes. In 2001 he obtained a Phd in pure mathematics at the University of Ghent (Belgium) conducting ground breaking research in the field of algebraic group theory. Between 2001 and 2005 Vermeulen worked at the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM, Ghent University) on a research project focusing on the link between music and emotional response. Meanwhile he started writing and recording music in my his production studio. Since 2004 Vermeulen has been working on various interactive multimedia projects where the man machine interaction plays a central role. His installations and performances have been widely shown in Belgium as well as abroad. His expertise covers a broad range of disciplines including creative evolutionary systems, generative art, algorithmic sound and image generation, affective computing, artificial intelligence, sound design and music production. Besides his involvement in the EMO-Synth project Vermeulen currently also works as a statistical expert and consultant and is finishing his studies as a music producer at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent.