Datum: 10-21.09.18
Radno vrijeme: pon-sub, 12 do 20
Otvorenje: 10.09.18 20.00
Lokacija: Galerija Greta
U svom kolaborativnom radu Leptiri su znak nečeg dobrog Ulla Deventer bavi se prostitucijom. Rad se temelji na stvarnim pričama iz života seksualnih radnica iz Antwerpena, Bruxellesa, Pariza, Atene i Accre, s kojima je provodila vrijeme tijekom perioda od pet godina, počevši od 2013. Rad naziva kolaborativnim zbog odnosa koji je uspostavila sa svojim subjektima fotografirajući ih. Izložba pokazuje najnovije rezultate istraživanja u Accri tih zajedničkih trenutaka provedenih uglavnom u malom drvenom kiosku koji ženama služi kao sigurni prostor budući da prikazuje njihov život u potpunosti isprepleten s njihovim radom. Materijali gotovo da su razbacani po izložbi, otkrivajući komadiće svakodnevice mnogih žena i pokušavajući pružiti uvid njihovo okruženje te pobuditi empatiju u posjetiteljima. Deventer nastoji razotkriti ono neočekivano kako bi ublažila stigmu vezanu uz seksualni rad, pri čemu joj je glavna referenca rad sociologa J. Kleinmana i J. W. Schneidera koji su kritizirali akademsku zajednicu zbog često suženih i pristranih perspektiva temeljenih na zastarjelim teorijama stigme koje nikad ne uzimaju u obzir gledište stigmatiziranog pojedinca. Deventer razvija alternativni vizualni jezik kako bi, barem fizički, gledateljima prevela međuljudske odnose i interakcije svojih subjekata. Ona istražuje prostituciju kao kompleksnu temu i odlučuje se koncentrirati na one aspekte koji se tiču intime seksualnih radnica, kao što su “dvostruki život” i izvođenje uloge u svakodnevnom životu, prividna neovisnost žena u ovom poslu i, konačno, pritajeno prisustvo straha koji žene prevladavaju iz dana u dan.
Ulla Deventer je fotografkinja i umjetnica koja živi u Hamburgu. Također je istraživačica na Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerp. U svom radu najviše se bavi temom stigmatizacije marginaliziranih skupina. Od 2013. provodi intenzivno umjetničko istraživanje prostitucije u velikim europskim gradovima i Gani.
ULLA DEVENTER — Butterflies Are a Sign of a Good Thing
Dates: 10th of September to 21st of September
Time: 12 pm- 8 pm
Grand opening: 10th of September 20.00
Location: Gallery GRETA
Ulla Deventer deals with prostitution in her collaborative work Butterflies Are a Sign of a Good Thing. It is based on real life stories of various sex workers from Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Athens and Accra, who she spent time with during a five year period, starting in 2013. She calls her work collaborative exactly because of this bond she developed with her subjects through photographing them. The exhibition shows the most recent results of the research in Accra, Ghana of these times spent together, mostly in a small wooden kiosk that served as a safe space for the women, as it presents their lives completely intertwined with their work. Materials are scattered, almost, throughout the exhibition, revealing fractions of the many women’s day to day life attempting to make sense of their environment and ignite a feeling of empathy in the viewer. Deventer tries to reveal the unexpected in order to lessen the stigma surrounding sex work, her main reference being the work of sociologists J. Kleinman and J. W. Schneider. They have criticized the academia for their often narrow and biased perspectives deriving from age-old theories on the stigma that never incorporate the stigmatized individual’s point of view. Deventer develops an alternative visual language in order to, at least physically, translate the interpersonal relationships and interactions of her subjects to the viewer. The artist explores the theme of prostitution as a complex subject and chooses to mainly concentrate on those aspects that touch on the most intimate in sex workers such as the “double life” and playing a role in everyday life, the seeming independency of women in this work and, finally, the underlying presence of fear which the women proudly overcome from day to day.
Ulla Deventer (1984.) is a freelance photographer and artist based in Hamburg. She is research student at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerp. She got her diploma in Visual Communications at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg in 2012 and her Master of Fine Arts/Photography at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerp in 2014. In her work, she has been drawn to the subject of marginal groups’ stigma. Since 2013, she is doing an intense artistic research on prostitution in European capitals and Ghana.