Pozivamo vas na otvorenje izložbe “Transcultural Nova” studenata na ERASMUS razmjeni u ponedjeljak 27. siječnja u 19h u Greti.
Izložbu možete posjetiti od utorka do petka od 17 do 20h.
ESN Zagreb i Klub studenata povijesti umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta (KSPUFF) imaju čast pozvati vas da nam se pridružite na otvorenju izložbe šest mladih umjetnika: Marie-Clare Duncan (Irska), Nathan Jokovich (Australija), Marina Tello Colado i John Castro (Španjolska), Eva Fellmann (Poljska) te Louna Fronteau (Francuska). Izložba Transcultural nova zamišljena je kao interakcija kustosa i mladih umjetnika koji rade u različitim medijima s ciljem razvijanja zajedničke razmjene ideja i iskustava. Izložba predstavlja period njihovog studijskog boravka u Zagrebu, koji je ujedno utjecao na njihov umjetnički izričaj. Kustosi Marijana Jurčević, Kora Girin i Bartol Fabijanić uspoređuju mlade umjetnike sa novom – zvijezdom koja iznenada zabljesne te se postupno vraća u svoje prvotno stanje – dajući im priliku da izlože radove koji odražavaju njihov studijski boravak, umjetničko znanje, osobni dojam i utisak Hrvatske. Ciljevi ESN-a Zagreb i KSPUFF-a su promocija internacionalne kulturne suradnje u obrazovanju. Koncept izložbe proveden je uz međusobnu suradnju studenata Akademije i povijesti umjetnosti, pod koordinacijom Ines Ivić i Ljerke Kujundžić.Transcultural Nova – Erasmus Exchange Student Exhibition
Greta Gallery, Ilica 92
27 January 2014 – 31 January 2014
ESN Zagreb and Art History Student’s Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (KSPUFF) are cordially inviting you to join us at the opening of the exhibition of six young artists: Marie-Clare Duncan (Ireland), Nathan Jokovich (Australia), Marina Tello Coaldo (Spain), Lune Hillairet (France), Ewa Fellmann (Poland) and John Castro (Spain). The exhibition is conceived as an interaction of curators and young artists, who work in diverse media, for the purpose of mutual exchange of knowledge and experience. It is an examination of how their study period in Zagreb has influenced the development of their artistic expression. In this case, curators Marijana Jurčević, Bartol Fabijanić and Kora Girin are referring to the artist as a nova, “a star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years”, giving them opportunity to expose art works that in some way reflect their study visit, artistic knowledge, personal impression and inspiration drawn from Croatia. The main goals that ESN Zagreb and KSPUFF are promoting with this exhibition are international cultural and educational cooperation, diversity of artistic expression and intercultural dialogue. You can visit the exhibition from Tuesday to Friday from 17:00 to 20:00.
See you at the exhibition opening on Monday 27 January 2014 at 19:00!
No pretensions of any kind are to be shown here. Only art. Only culturally generated art.
In a time of constant migrations – especially among students and youth – we decided to capture a moment of stay in Zagreb from the perspective of six young artists. It can be understood as a flash of phenomenon which lies behind the word transculturalism. Many postulates were written on that matter. We shall refer to the words of W. Welsch on transculturality:
Transculturality is, in the first place, a consequence of the inner differentiation and
complexity of modern cultures. (…) The concept of transculturality sketches a different
picture of the relation between cultures. Not one of isolation and of conflict, but one of
entanglement, intermixing and commonness. It promotes not separation, but exchange and
In this case, these young artists are six novas. Nova is “a star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years”. They decided to glow differently than before, even for a short while, to express themselves in the Other. And they chose Zagreb for that purpose. This temporality may or may not be manifested in their further work, but we have decided to note this transcultural confrontation of six young artists from five different countries. This exhibition also means a great opportunity to show the other view of our own habitat, to show an external perception of an inside situation, to intertwine other cultures. Because, according to Epstein, “we acquire transculture (…) at the crossroads with other cultures through the risky experience of our own cultural wanderings and transgressions.”
These young artists work in different media and each one of them has her or his own expressive language. Here, this incoherent group is connected on an associative level with a general theme, but put on a greater level – beyond tactile, even beyond visible, one might say, even beyond comprehensible on a first sight. One work from each one of them was exhibited. Not only do they show us the influence that Zagreb, Croatia, Croatian people or their language in general have on them, and associations they evoke in the artists, , but also a mixture of influences brought from their own countries and their personal preoccupations. Therefore, our goal is to see and to represent, to be a part of transient wandering.
This exhibition is a product of cooperation between two non-profit student associations, Erasmus Student Network (ESN Zagreb) and Art History Students Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (KSPUFF), with the aim of promoting cultural diversity and exchange, international cooperation and diversity of artistic expression.
Marijana Jurčević
Transcultural Nova
Greta Gallery, Ilica 92, Zagreb
27 January 2014 – 31 January 2014
Organizers: Erasmus Student Network Zagreb (ESN ZAGREB)
Art History Students’ Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (KSPUFF)
Exhibition coordinators: Ines Ivić and Ljerka Kujundžić
Exhibition set-up: Marijana Jurčević, Kora Girin, Bartol Fabijanić
Artists: Marie-Clare Duncan
Nathan Jokovich
Ewa Fellmann
Marina Tello Coaldo
Lune Hillairet
John Castro
Front cover: Marie-Claire Duncan
Design, layout and prepress: Teo Drempetić Čonkić
Proofreader: Antonija Juričić