19.8.2014. – Kretanje kroz elemente19.8.2014. – Moving through the elements


Dragi prijatelji,
pozivamo vas na otvorenje međunarodne multimedijalne izložbe „Kretanje kroz elemente“ u utorak, 19.8.2014. u 20:00h u Greti, Ilica 92, Zagreb.


Izložba „Kretanje kroz elemente“ treća je u nizu izložbi umjetnika iz Pariza i Zagreba. Radi se o zajedničkom projektu čije je osnovno polazište izraziti doživljaje gradova izvan uobičajenih turističkih prikaza na koje smo navikli. Svaki umjetnik stvara svoj intimni dnevnik otkrivajući nevidljivo, neizrečeno u svojim svakodnevnim putovanjima gradom. Izlažu sljedeći umjetnici: Isa Bourland, Joanna Wong, Jérémy Faivre, Marie Dekerle, Dorty Novak, Mio Hanaoka, Akiko Okumura, Nina Bešlić, Vesna Šantak, Nataša Vuković i Omar Traore. Izložbu se može posjetiti do 24. kolovoza 2014. od 16 do 21 sat.

Izložba u Galeriji Greta ujedno je i najava događanja na Strossmayerovom šetalištu, parku Grič i Galeriji „Gornji Grad“ 21. kolovoza 2014. godine s početkom u 17 sati. Prema jednoj od organizatorica događanja, akademskoj slikarici Nini Bešlić, „Javni prostor Gornjeg grada postat će platforma za umjetničko eksperimentiranje i komuniciranje s javnim prostorom. Svaki umjetnik izaći će u javni prostor i na svoj osebujan način intervenirati u njemu. Nakana umjetnika je dokinuti sociološke i kulturološke barijere te propitati prostor osobnog kretanja kroz različitosti i sličnosti, prirodno i umjetno, vanjsko i intimno. Time će javni prostor na jedan dan postati intimna, nedokučiva i nostalgična priča svakog umjetnika.“ U projektu sudjeluju Joanna Wong, Nataša Vuković, Zvjezdana Jembrih, Renata Ladović Meštrović, Nina Bešlić, Vesna Šantak, Jérémy Faivre, Mio Hanaoka, Alexandre Garcia i Sabina Mikelić. U 19 sati će akademska slikarica-grafičarka Vesna Šantak izvesti performance “Kretanje kroz elemente”, a događanja će završiti u 21 sat.

Suradnja Galerije Greta i izložbe na Gornjem gradu osmišljene su unutar Network of Cities for Artistic Creation (CreArt) projekta. CreArt projekt, organizatora Fundación Municipal de Cultura (Valladolid, Španjolska), na internacionalnoj razini okuplja 14 europskih gradova i institucija s ciljem da svaki partner na lokalnoj razini potiče i promovira kreativno stvaralaštvo te istraži razinu kulturne djelatnosti. HDLU, udruga u ulozi institucije koja predstavlja Grad Zagreb, prepoznao je veliki potencijal projekta za djelovanje u kulturi našeg grada. Cilj CreArt projekta je metodično i sistematično povezivanje institucija kako bi se unaprijedilo djelovanje na kulturnoj sceni Europske Unije.1000

“Moving through the elements”, an international multi-media exhibition is the third in a series of exhibitions of artists from Paris and Zagreb. The joint project main idea is to express experiences of cities different from the common tourist presentations that we are familiar with.
Each artist creates his intimate diary, revealing the unseen, unexpressed in their daily journeys throughout the city.
The exhibition in the Greta Gallery is connected with the event on the Strossmayer Promenade, organized by the Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) and CreArt (Network of Cities for Artistic Creation). From the gallery we went out into the urban space. Art installations, land art, objects, video, music, performance, create interaction with the space in which they are exhibited, inviting spectators to recognize an entirely new perception of the city.

Artists: Isa Bourland, Joanna Wong, Jérémy Faivre, Marie Dekerle, Dorty Novak, Mio Hanaoka, Akiko Okumura, Nina Bešlić, Vesna Šantak, Nataša Vuković i Omar Traore.

Upper Town Gallery

The public space of the Upper Town becomes a platform for artistic experimentation and communication with the public space. Each artist goes into the public space and in his own way intervenes in it. The intention of the artists is to eliminate social and cultural barriers and to examine the space of personal movement through the differences and similarities, natural and artificial, external and intimate. Public space for one day becomes intimate, unfathomable and nostalgic story of each individual artist.

Artists: Joanna Wong, Nataša Vuković, Zvjezdana Jembrih, Renata Ladović Meštrović, Nina Bešlić, Vesna Šantak, Jérémy Faivre, Mio Hanaoka, Alexandre Garcia i Sabina Mikelić.


Collaboration between Greta Gallery and exhibitions in the Upper Town was designed within CreArt (Network of Cities for Artistic Creation) project.

CreArt responds to the needs within the European cultural institutions that share a mutual task:
to maximize the economic and social contributions in culture, facilitating creativity in the widest circles of society.The project was initiated and coordinated by the Fundación Municipal de Cultura (Valladolid, Spain). CreArt was first introduced in 2010 through the “Culture 2007. – 2013. Program”, and in recent months has developed into a network of 14 partner cities and institutions, which represents the cultural diversity and richness of Europe.

Zagreb (HDLU) has become a city partner of the CreArt project at the end of the last year and has been actively involved in residential programs (Linz, Kaunas, Delft), art workshops (Genoa) and this year is in preparation for the big annual exhibition. Every year a large group exhibition of the best works of the partner cities is held in different partner cities, and then ends at the City Hall of Bruxelles.

CreArt partners share a common goal: encouraging creativity in the widest circles of society, from the solid base of their local reality, the improvement of education in all fields and encouragement of exhibitions exchange, promotion of competitive offer in the European and international creative industries sector.