U sklopu programa pod nazivom ONE TAKE IN SPACE, izvan konkurencije, prikazujemo filmove snimljene u jednom kadru koje predstavljamo u galerijskim i izložbenim prostorima. Tako smo ove godine zagrebačkoj publici odlučili predstaviti njemačkog konceptualnog umjetnika Floriana Gwinnera s čijim se radovima i instalacijama susrećemo na festivalu od 2006. godine. U izložbenom prostoru Greta moći ćete pogledati četiri njegova rada, od kojih se dva video rada, Trg ispod trga iz 2005. i recentni Stvari (Europa) prvi puta predstavljaju zagrebačkoj publici. Program se organizira u suradnji sa Zebra Creative Network.
Video Dekoracija kružno opisuje prostor snimljen kamerom koja se vrti oko svoje osi, pri čemu je autorova nakana kroz predmete aranžirane u okolici sažeto prikazati evoluciju konstruktivnih elemenata u svijetu koji nas okružuje.
U video radu Model kamera se polako kreće unatrag modelom ulice izrađenim od umjetnih materijala. Pločnik je izrađen od kartona, kuće i automobili od kartona i papira, no onda se u kadru počnu pojavljivati poznati predmeti iz svijeta oko nas u prirodnoj veličini, poput stolca ili metalne kutije za kekse, da bi se kamera naposljetku zaustavila u sredini sobe…
Video instalacija Stvari (Europa) u prvom dijelu prikazuje model interijera prostorije koja se u dužini od 12 metara ponavlja, mijenjajući oblike i boje namještaja, televizora… U drugom autor nas vodi na kružnu vožnju automobilom kroz grad, oko zelene površine s velikim brojem plakata za skore izbore. Naposljetku, stižemo na pločnik pred zgradom…
Trg ispod trga, umjetnikov raniji rad prikazuje gotovo nevidljive stvari. Kroz prozor podruma promatramo prizor u daljini koji prikazuje model trga na drugoj strani ceste. Za razliku os stvarnosti ovdje se događa neobjašnjive stvari.
As a part of the program called ONE TAKE IN SPACE, out of competition, we are showing the films shot in one take, which we present in galleries and exhibition spaces. This year we decided to present German conceptual artist Florian Gwinner whose works and installations we meet at the festival since 2006. In the exhibition space Greta audience will be able to see his four art videos. Audience in Zagreb will have an opportunity to see for the first time two of his videos, “Market under the Market” from 2005 and more recent video “Things (Europe)”.
The program is organized in collaboration with Zebra Creative Network.
Video “Decoration” describes the space in a circular way, space is captured by the camera that rotates around its axis. Author’s intention is to show, in short, evolution of the structural elements in the world around us trough the objects arranged in our surroundings.
In the video “Model” camera is slowly moving backwards trough the model of the street made of artificial materials. The pavement is made of cardboard, houses and cars are from cardboard and paper, but in the shot we can also notice the objects from the real world in their whole length. For example, in one moment we can see a chair and in an other a cookie box until, in the end, camera steps in the middle of the room…
Video installation “Things (Europe)” in its first part shows the model of the interior of the room, which is repeating itself in a distance of 12 meters, trough this process the room is changing the shape and color of furniture, televisions … In the second part author takes us on a circular tour through the city by car. This car is driving around green areas with a large number of posters for upcoming elections. Finally, we arrive on the sidewalk in front of the building …
“Market under the Market” is the artist’s earlier work which is showing the audience almost invisible things. Through the window of the basement we are watching a scene in the distance, which shows us a model of the market on the other side of the road. This scene is not showing us the reality but the world in which we can see things that we can’t explain.