Zastiranje je na svom početku trebalo biti dokumentarni film, u kojem autor Damir Čučić snima ispovijest svog bliskog prijatelja o tragičnom događaju na radnom mjestu, nesreći koja mu je promijenila život. Događaji nakon nesreće, pak, i pred autora filma, i pred protagonista stavljaju veliki izazov, egzistencijalnu (i moralnu) dvojbu, koja rezultira odustajanjem od filma. No autor ne odustaje i od teme. Godinama nakon nesreće prijatelj je preminuo, a nakon njegove smrti, autor temu nastavlja ovim radom. No prvotna namjera „filma otkrivanja“ biva zamijenjena „filmom zastiranja“. U radu se ponajmanje zastiru činjenice zbog kojih je snimanje filma bilo prekinuto, dapače one se glasno izriču, a zastiru se naše slabosti, naša volja da odaberemo ispravno, da imamo čistu savjest, da znamo da smo učinili ono što je najbolje za nas osobno i društvo u cjelini. Zbog toga je Zastiranje potresno djelo, jer malo tko među nama ne bi postupio isto kao protagonist koji je, u zamjenu za malo egzistencijalne sreće, odabrao šutjeti o nesreći, malo tko ne bi postupio kao autor koji je, zbog važnosti koju je to prijateljstvo za njega imalo, odlučio prekinuti snimanje dokumentarca, a time i sami postajemo suučesnici u zastiranju. Saznanjem da je protagonist filma, Domagoj Prudeus, preminuo, postajemo i svjedocima bespovratnosti vremena i nemogućnosti mijenjanja odluka koje su nas odredile. Svjedočimo hommageu koji to po uobičajenim društvenim normama nipošto nije, gledamo zastiranje koje je, zapravo, otkrivanje, žalimo za autorovim prijateljem kojeg više nema, žalimo za čovjekom, za vremenom, za svim prilikama koje nam nisu dane, i za onima koje su nam bespovratno promijenile život. Ta dva kratka, vizualno vrlo jednostavna dokumentarna filmska isječka, koja se uklopljena u videoinstalaciju ponavljaju u loopu, i koja nas svaki put iznova podsjećaju tko smo i od čega se sastoji naš život i naša smrt, izazivaju duboki potres i veliko olakšanje što se nismo našli na mjestu autora ili protagonista ovog rada, već samo zanijemjelog promatrača.
„Zastiranje je dokumentaran rad. Zastiranje je višekanalna videoinstalacija. Zapravo, Zastiranje je nemoć, tuga, frustracija, bijes, odbojnost, nervoza.“ – Tanja Dabo, kustosica izložbe
Ulaz je besplatan.
As a part of the additional program of One Take Film Festival, in the exhibition space Greta, we present you the exhibition „Veiling“ by Damir Čučić, croatian director and screenwriter.
“Veiling” should have been a documentary at its beginning, in which the author Damir Čučić records the confession of his close friend about a tragic accident at work, an accident that changed his life. The events after the accident, however, put a great challenge, an existential (and moral) dilemma before the author and the protagonist, resulting in withdrawal from the film. Nevertheless, the author doesn’t give up on the subject. Years after the accident, the friend died, and after his death, the author continues this work. But the original intention of “revelation film” is replaced with the “veiling film”. In this work, the facts are the least veiled, which is why the shooting of film was aborted, in fact they are loudly expressed, and our weaknesses are veiled, our will to choose correctly, to have a clean consciousness, to know we have done what is best for us personally and for the society as a whole. That is why “Veiling” is a moving work, because few of us would act differently than the protagonist who, in exchange for a little existential happiness, kept quiet about the accident, few of us wouldn’t act like the author who, because of the importance of this friendship, decided to abort the filming of documentary, and by all this we become accomplices in veiling. Learning that the film’s protagonist, Domagoj Prudeus, has died, we become witnesses of irretrievability of time and the impossibility of changing the decisions that defined us. We witness an hommage, which by the usual social norms it definitely isn’t, we observe the veiling which is, in fact, revealing, we mourn the author’s friend, we mourn the man, the time, every opportunity that was not given, and those that irretrievably changed our life. These two short, visually very simple documentary film clips, embedded into video installation, repeat in loop, reminding us anew every time about who we are and of what our life and our death consists, inducing profound disturbance and a great relief that we’re not in place of the author or the protagonist of this work, but just a numb observer.
“Veiling” is a documentary work. “Veiling” is a multichannel video installation. In fact, “Veiling” is weakness, sorrow, frustration, anger, repulsiveness, anxiety. – Tanja Dabo, exhibition curator
Free entry.