● Vector Hack Exhibition – Douglas Nunn & Ted Davis
Greta Gallery / Ilica 92
OPENING: Monday, 01/10/2018, 8PM
Exhibition is open till Thursday, 04/10/2018, 8PM
● DOUGLAS NUNN – Vector videos
Kuba Animalia (1:05:05)
Semifinal (1:56) *An experiment in video vectorisation, using highlights from Croatia’s World Cup semifinal victory over England.*
Eggboy Thirteenpointeight (49:24)
Chaos Captioned (2:21)
Deep Chill (11:12)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City (0:48)
Douglas Nunn teaches Audio and Music Technology at Anglia Ruskin University, and is a visual artist, VJ, and composer. His PhD at Durham examined the use of parallel processing for automated transcription and resynthesis of polyphonic music. His other research interests include live audiovisual performance, lossless compression, sound analysis and sound synthesis.
● TED DAVIS – Generative installation with oscilloscopes:
INSTALLATION 1 / OscillWalker
INSTALLATION 2 / OscillDraw_NotRecognized_television
INSTALLATION 3 / OscillAlpha
Ted Davis is an American media artist and designer based in Basel, Switzerland, where he is an Interaction Design Lecturer within the Visual Communication Institute at the Academy of Art and Design HGK FHNW. His own work and teachings focus on image making via programming new and newer media, along with embracing the error and glitch while questioning the ideal and mimetic conditions digital media is asked to encompass. http://teddavis.org
● Exhibition is part of the 1st Vector Hack Festival – Zagreb / 01–04/10/2018